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What is Intelligent Automation?

2024-05-28 19:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The value of intelligent automation in the world today, across industries, is unmistakable. With the automation of repetitive tasks through IA, businesses can reduce their costs and establish more consistency within their workflows. The COVID-19 pandemic has only expedited digital transformation efforts, fueling more investment within infrastructure to support automation. As remote work also surges, roles will continue to evolve. Individuals focused on low-level work will be reallocated to implement and scale these solutions as well as other higher-level tasks.

Middle managers will need to shift their focus on the more human elements of their job to sustain motivation within the workforce. Automation will expose skills gaps within the workforce and employees will need to adapt to their continuously changing work environments. Middle management can also support these transitions in a way that mitigates anxiety to make sure that employees remain resilient through these periods of change. Intelligent automation is undoubtedly the future of work and companies that forgo adoption will find it difficult to remain competitive in their respective markets.






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